Competitive exams like UPSC (Union Public Service Commission), GPSC (Gujarat Public Service Commission) & other State PSC (Public Service Commission) is the goal of students. In this competitive age, from student age, one has to groom himself / herself for competitive examinations if intends to get thorough. We make you fit for competitive examinations like:
1) UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) conducting examinations for IAS, IPS, IFS, IRS etc.
2) GPSC (Gujarat Public Service Commission) conducting exams like DYSP, Deputy Collector, Mamlatdar, Section Officer, TDO (Taluka Development Officer), PSI (Police Sub-Inspector) etc.
3) Gujarat Gaun Seva Pasandgi Mandal conduction various examinations of clerk and class 3 level.
4) Police constable and other lower rank examinations.
Faculties will be relevant field expert, past students of selected officers coming as visiting faculties.